About The Foundation
Founded in 2016, the Sunken Gardens Forever Foundation is dedicated to supporting Sunken Gardens and preserving its legacy as a historic landmark through education and philanthropy. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization operated by our entirely volunteer board of directors.
How We Got Started…. By 2013, Sunken Gardens’ flock of flamingos had dwindled to just one lonely pair. It was the fervent wish of the former Sunken Gardens supervisor to acquire more of the colorful birds, among Sunken Gardens’ star attractions. A small group of dedicated and creative Garden volunteers organized a “Restock The Flock” fundraising campaign, generating tremendous community enthusiasm and support.
Thanks to YOU—generous individuals, businesses, and organizations—more than $40,000 was raised to purchase 20 Chilean flamingos from the San Antonio Zoo in Texas.
Envisioning more opportunities to support and enhance Sunken Gardens, the volunteer committee undertook the legal process to create the Sunken Gardens Forever Foundation. In 2016, SGFF was granted status as a private, nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization.
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