Planned Giving
As a foundation that benefits Sunken Gardens, our mission is to support the preservation and education of the Gardens’ rich history and cultural significance. We are deeply committed to preserving and enhancing Sunken Gardens’ unique beauty and providing a home for our many specials of tropical plants, birds and other creatures.

Sunken Gardens Forever Foundation relies on the generosity of donors to help us fund our work. We are grateful to those who have already contributed to our cause, and we would like to invite those who are passionate about preserving Sunken Gardens’s natural beauty and educational programs to consider planned giving to our organization in their will or trust.
A bequest is a powerful way to ensure that your legacy lives on, and that future generations can continue to enjoy our community’s most beautiful hidden gem. Your gift will help us fund important projects, such as the development of educational programs and the care of the Gardens’ structures, paths, plants, and animals.
Leaving a bequest is a simple process that can have a significant impact. If you are interested in making a bequest to our foundation, we encourage you to fill out the form below to speak with a representative. We would also be happy to provide you with more information about our work and the impact your gift could have on Sunken Gardens’ educational programs and care of its plants and animals.